

Fountain Grass Letter – May 2023

Dear Fountain Grass Homeowner,

The annual homeowners’ meeting is scheduled for Monday May 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm. The
meeting will be held at United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd, 10928 SW 15th

The purpose of this meeting is to elect new directors for the HOA Board. These are the people
that will represent your interest and oversee how your dues are to be used.
Our bylaws state that we can have a minimum of three directors and a maximum of nine. We do
have some homeowners who have expressed interest in serving on the board but we would like
to have more. The names of those who have agreed to serve will be announced but we will take
nominations for others at the meeting.

As many of you know, a quorum of homeowners is required to conduct the election and any
other business that may arise. Per our bylaws, a quorum is 10% of 327 homeowners (or 33 in
attendance at the meeting). Therefore we need as many as possible to attend that meeting.
However, if you are unable to attend, you may name a proxy to represent you at the meeting,
which will count towards the quorum. A proxy form can be found under forms on our website at Your proxy can be given to another homeowner to bring to the
meeting, or can designate one of the interim board members listed below. Proxy’s will need to be
received by the board prior to the start of the meeting. If you need someone to pick up your
proxy, please send an email to or call 405-806-0901

Interim board members:
Alonzo Adams
Lori Cable
Marlou Dexter
Matthew Ferguson
Charles Howard

We hope to see you at the meeting.

Marlou Dexter, Interim Director, FG HOA Board

May 5, 2023|

Fountain Grass Letter – April 2023

Dear Fountain Grass Homeowners,

Earlier this year, some of the Fountain Grass Officers resigned from your board of directors without making sure there were officers elected to take their place. With those resignations, there were only two remaining active directors on the board. They did not have administrative oversite on the Fountain Grass HOA Facebook page, and they could not access the fountain grass email. As a result, many of the things that needed to be taken care of, were not known, or dealt with.

In late March, early April, some concerned homeowners got together to address the situation.

Per section 3.6 of our by-laws –

In the event of the death, disability, or resignation of a director, the Board may declare a vacancy and appoint a successor to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting, at which time Members entitled to fill such directorship may elect a successor for the remainder of the term. 

The board members in attendance at that meeting appointed Beau Howard, Alonzo Adams, and Marlou Dexter to serve as additional interim directors until such time as an annual homeowners meeting can be held.

A special meeting of homeowners was held on Monday April 3rd to provide information as to the status of the HOA and for people to voice their concerns. Several of the attendees also expressed willingness to serve as a director or to help as volunteers when needed. We appreciate them for stepping up and will be contacting them soon.

We hope to have an annual meeting soon. Signs with time and place will be placed at the entrances in advance of that meeting. We hope as many of you as possible will attend as a quorum (10%) of homeowners is required. If you are unable to attend, you can fill out a proxy form (found under forms on this website) and designate another homeowner to vote for you.

In the meantime, if you have questions or concerns, please send them to We are now able to access this email and are checking it frequently.


The current board of directors are:

Lori Cable

Matt Ferguson

Alonzo Adams

Beau Howard

Marlou Dexter

April 11, 2023|

Adjourned Meeting via ZOOM

Dear Fountain Grass Homeowner,

Our adjourned meeting will be on Thursday, May 13, 2021. We will meet at 7:00 pm at New Beginnings Family Church located at 1615 E State Highway 152. We must have a quorum to hold this meeting, so it is imperative that you either attend, or provide someone with a proxy to cast your vote. A proxy form is included with this letter

but can also be found on our website at Completed forms should be brought to the meeting by the person it is assigned to, or can be emailed to If you are not sure whom to assign your proxy to please consider a current Board Member.

If you would prefer to attend virtually, please use the following Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 4430 0857
Passcode: 167538
One tap mobile +13462487799,,82344300857#,,,,*167538# US (Houston) +16699006833,,82344300857#,,,,*167538# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 823 4430 0857
Passcode: 167538
Find your local number:

The current board members’ terms are expiring, and they do not wish to serve another term. Please give some thought to volunteering to serve on the board. We must have a Board to manage the business of the Association. If you are interested, or have questions about serving on the board, please send an email to

Hope to see you at the meeting.

Fountain Grass Board of Directors

President: Marlou Dexter

May 12, 2021|
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