Dear Fountain Grass Homeowner,
Our adjourned meeting will be on Thursday, May 13, 2021. We will meet at 7:00 pm at New Beginnings Family Church located at 1615 E State Highway 152. We must have a quorum to hold this meeting, so it is imperative that you either attend, or provide someone with a proxy to cast your vote. A proxy form is included with this letter
but can also be found on our website at Completed forms should be brought to the meeting by the person it is assigned to, or can be emailed to If you are not sure whom to assign your proxy to please consider a current Board Member.
If you would prefer to attend virtually, please use the following Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 4430 0857
Passcode: 167538
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Meeting ID: 823 4430 0857
Passcode: 167538
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The current board members’ terms are expiring, and they do not wish to serve another term. Please give some thought to volunteering to serve on the board. We must have a Board to manage the business of the Association. If you are interested, or have questions about serving on the board, please send an email to
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Fountain Grass Board of Directors
President: Marlou Dexter